1. Opening of the 1945
2. 1945
3. Required to be able to ensure equal educational opportunities, improving quality, relevance and efficiency of education management
4. Law No. 2 of 1989 no longer adequate and needs to be replaced
In Act number 20 of 2003
Education is the conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state (Article 1, paragraph 1)
National Education is education that is based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 is rooted in religious values, national culture of Indonesia and responsive to the demands of changing times (Article 1, paragraph 2)1. Opening of the 1945
2. 1945
3. Required to be able to ensure equal educational opportunities, improving quality, relevance and efficiency of education management
4. Law No. 2 of 1989 no longer adequate and needs to be replaced
In Act number 20 of 2003
Education is the conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and state (Article 1, paragraph 1)
The National Education System is a whole educational component interrelated in an integrated manner to achieve the national education goals. (Article 1, paragraph 3)
[Act No.22 of 2003, Chapter II, section 2]: Developing the potential of learners
1. School of Education Unit
2. Special Education Unit Schools
Basis: Based on Pancasila and 1945 Constitution
Functions of National Education:
"Developing the ability to form character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of the nation"
National Objectives:
"For the development of potential learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible"
Principles of Operation of Education
Chapter III, article 4
"Education was held with democratic principles, justice, and uphold human rights, religious values, cultural values, and diversity of the nation, the principle of unity of systemic, principle of acculturation and the empowerment of learners, the principle example, will build and develop the creativity of students , the principle of development of a culture of reading, writing and arithmetic, the principle of empowerment of all components of society "
Rights and Obligations
Chapter IV Article 5
"Every citizen has an equal right to obtain a quality education", and "Every citizen is responsible for the continuity of education"
1. The low equity education
2. The low quality and relevance of education
3. Lack of education management
Of Students
Chapter V Article 12
"Every student at every educational unit entitled" getting religious education in accordance with their religion and taught by educators who co-religionists ", and" to be educated according to their talents, interests and abilities "
Forms of Education Organization
Chapter VI
Explaining in detail about the pathways, levels and types of education
Article 13
"The pathway consists of formal education, nonformal, and informal can complement and enrich each other", and "was held with an open system through face to face and / or over long distances"
National Education Standards
Chapter IX, section 35
"National standards of education consists of content standards, processes, competence of graduates, educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing, and educational assessment that must be improved in a planned and regular basis"
Chapter X, Article 36, 37, 38
"Curriculum development is done by reference to national standards of education to achieve national education goals, with the principle of diversification in accordance with the educational unit, the potential of the area, and learners'
Education and Personnel
Chapter XI of article 40 paragraph 2
"Educators and education personnel are obliged to: Create an atmosphere of education meaningful, fun, creative, dynamic and dialogical; Having a professional commitment to improving educational quality, and exemplify and maintain the good name of the institution, profession and position in accordance with the trust given to him"
Education Facilities and Infrastructure
Article 46 paragraph 1
"Funding education is a shared responsibility between Government, Local Government and the community"
Article 47 paragraph 1 and 2
"The source of education funding is determined based on the principles of fairness, adequacy, and sustainability, and the Government, Regional Governments, and mobilize community resources in accordance with laws and regulations that apply"
Article 34 paragraph 2
"Government and Local Government guarantee the implementation of compulsory education at least at the basic education free of charge"
- Chapter II, article 2 => National Education Law drawn up based on Pancasila, contain elements of divinity, nationality, humane, democratic and fair. Not yet clearly visible division of the elements of what became the responsibility of family education, school, and community
- Still found the substance of the contradictions
- Ecology education there is no concern
- Culture of science has not been emphasized
- Learning culture is not visible
- Independence is not mentioned
- Creativity less attention
- Desentralisasis and ambiguity of responsibility (the formulation of the National Education Law can not be separated from other laws such as the Law on Regional Autonomy, Autonomy Law Campus / BHMN, and the Law on Citizenship)
- Happen, blurring of responsibilities between local and central government. For example in article 10, article 11 paragraph 1 and 2, article 34 paragraph 2 and 3
- Article 34 paragraph 2 mentions the government and local governments guarantee the implementation of compulsory education at least at the basic education free of charge, but in paragraph 3 involves the implementation of community
- Article 24 paragraph 1 and 2 mentions of higher education have the right to manage its own autonomous institutions, prevailing academic freedom, academic freedom of the pulpit, as well as the autonomy of science. but in section 10, the government has the right to intervene against the implementation of education
- Article 9 states the public is obliged to provide resources in support of education, but does not explain what form the community
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